A jander nore peich

jueves, 30 de octubre de 2014

Israel & Palestina by two average guys

A conversation has been leaked from Facebook in which two average guys speak about the Israel/Palestine conflict at the end of July. The issue here is that one of them is an Israelite guy in Israel at the moment, and the other a Spanish guy in Spain at the moment and it seems that used to be friends. The conversation is sparked by the publication on the wall of the Spanish guy of some pics from the Holocaust, comparing them to those of the actions taken in Israel at the time. Those pictures had lots of hits from people all around the globe. Here the link to them >> GERMANY 1940  ISRAEL 2014 - http://kcy.me/18l69

Here's the conversation >>

31/07/2014 01:13
my friend that comparison with the hollocust is not right. and not true. far away from being even close to it. as you can see on my facebook wall im not dealing with politics and so at all but this one shared by you is to much man

way out of proportion

31/07/2014 08:50
So enlighten me and tell me what you think it is

31/07/2014 11:30
Im not going to do it... got no power for that its a hard work to enlight enlighten poeple. but its way far from being true. but buying cheap propoganda is easy man

31/07/2014 11:37
If you're not going to help, the best thing you can do is to get out of the way.

31/07/2014 11:38
ok. racist

31/07/2014 11:49
Don't call me names

31/07/2014 12:04
its not a name its a character... but its fine you are in a good company.. people tend to hate jews and you just joined

31/07/2014 12:07
I never said that, you're putting words in my mouth. I'm just making people aware that Israel people is killing Palestinian people.

31/07/2014 12:08
thats cheap propogande bro. its all behind antisemitic

and probably you dont really know the history neither of the Holocaust and the history of israel

31/07/2014 12:12
I'm just wars and killing people


31/07/2014 12:13
6 milion jews murderd just for being jews. without any fight back. here its war. both sides r fighting. we have better protection so you wont see israeli children dieing as the Palestinians do.

31/07/2014 12:13
Are you against the army killing??

31/07/2014 12:15
yes man im against. but somtimes you must protect your home. its your home man. and after the 6 milion murderd across europe 60 years ago we have no other home

31/07/2014 12:16

So you protect yourselves by killing

Good method

31/07/2014 12:17
and most of the innocent who die in this war is because we fight terror organization. not an moral army. a terror organization who realy dont let kids to leave combat areas so they get killed and injured. and it looks bad on tv

i knoe its hard to believe but its true. and you believe that my country's army want to kill children?

31/07/2014 12:19
You keep on justifying killing

31/07/2014 12:19
no. its a sad situatuon

i justify killing the ones who try to kill me

31/07/2014 12:20

31/07/2014 12:20
they fire rockets from school from hospital what thhe hall r u tlking about

just saing killing isnt right is to easy. its escaping realty. but i understand u. u never seen war in your life. and hope truly you wont see.

and fucker is a compliment i guess

31/07/2014 12:23
If you don't position yourself against the massacre you're yourself an accomplice

31/07/2014 12:23
there is no maddacare by us

31/07/2014 12:24
So if a Spanish guy kills a Basque guy it's legit for the Basque people to start killing

Why don't you get a SMG yourself and go save the children??

31/07/2014 12:25
no. truely im not realy familiar with your history

the childern died by the fault of hammas.

31/07/2014 12:28
The children ARE dying because of army and weapons

And hate

31/07/2014 12:28
they prevent them leaving combat areas. learn a bit about hammas. know who r they . the children die a jihad for them

youre right

but its not that israel seeks to kill kids

31/07/2014 12:29
Hammas are not my friends either

31/07/2014 12:31
as hard as it sound. israel have the most moral army. espesialy when you fight consistently againt terrorist. who shoot rockets fromm school and childs badroms. can you believe theire doing it?

31/07/2014 12:31
I do

31/07/2014 12:32
hammas is not realy different from issi or whatever terror group from syria or iraq

31/07/2014 12:33
But if Israel keep on ignoring the kids, then they don't give a shit. And what should the Palestinians do? go to an open field without kids yo fight back??

Hammas is not Paleatina

31/07/2014 12:34
ok so thats theire technic. always. and its all for the believe in jihad and to shock the world and rise itt against israel. by the way this cruel propaganda works just fine on people who dont realy know what is hoing on here

hammas is no palestine but a big majoriy support/ed them.

31/07/2014 12:36
If I was a defenseless family being shot at, I will support someone with weapons too probably

31/07/2014 12:37
by the way its all in gaza. in the west bank the same Palestinians live differnt. because they not controled by islamic radical terrosrist

believe me the weapon they support is aimed at them as well.

31/07/2014 12:40
Al the weapons are meant to backfire and kill humans

31/07/2014 12:40
its easy to analyze everithing from a place of comfort.
hope you learn more about somthings before you post shit like u did

31/07/2014 12:41
And by supporting a killing defense you are supporting that the conflict escalates or ends in annihilation at best

31/07/2014 12:41
dont tell me things i dont know. realty is a bit more comlicated then your beautiful hippie slogan

31/07/2014 12:42
I don't think I need to dodge bullets to understand the truth

31/07/2014 12:42
again. never judge untill u be in this situation. hope you dont

i am. and i see realty not like u. wish it was bettet. maybe someday

31/07/2014 12:43
So nobody can't judge you if it's not in a war,right?

31/07/2014 12:44
no but you r just saying enpty slogans. that didnt help nothing so far

31/07/2014 12:44
Then you want people to be in a hard position to gain proper empathy??

How will you help???

31/07/2014 12:46
and again by comparisson with murder of 6 million who murderd without fighting back is wrong. you should think about things like that before yoy make a comparison

i fight back. who tries to kill me ill try to kill him. as me all israell right now.

31/07/2014 12:48
You're sick

31/07/2014 12:49
unfortunately i dont live in europe

31/07/2014 12:49
Send me a pick with your weapon firing for freedom when you can

31/07/2014 12:50
by the way it will all blow in your face soon.. the radical islam is knocking on europes doors..

31/07/2014 12:50
What the fuck??

Are you threatening on invading Europe???

31/07/2014 12:51
hhhhhhhh i have an army who protect me. in this kind of realty you got to have one. will be silly to ignore that

31/07/2014 12:51
So I I live in Spain I'm a big lier and corrupt?????

31/07/2014 12:52
not me inanding hahaha the radical islam. like in syria and iraq. if you know waht is going on there

31/07/2014 12:52
They enemy is within your soul, not in the other side of a wall

If you think killing is right, then killing it will be

31/07/2014 12:52
dont say you lie. no. your blind and misslead

protecting yourself is a basic instinct. do not try to remove it from human being.

and i truely belive that we live here in israel in a consistent protection

31/07/2014 12:54
Actually, I think I'm quite awake. I don't follow sides shooting. I don't want conflict, created by some stupid thing called religion and territory and fed by globalization interests

It is my belief that you need protection when you are doing something bad to people

31/07/2014 12:57
ok. thats great. bless people like you. but you r making a big big disproportion when you compar gaze with auscwitz. yiu should be ashamed

yes the history shows queit good that the Jewish people Did so many bad things that they dissorve to be arased from this world. yes?

31/07/2014 12:59
Hey! I reshared pictures, and sincerely some look quite fit for the comparison.

Well, i can tell you that jewish people are not my favorite

31/07/2014 13:00
6 million. for nothing. rraly looks the same. as i tought cheap propoganda works on you easily

as i said a the beginning. racist. antisemitic. i knew it.

31/07/2014 13:02
Why?? British are not the most enjoyable either and I don't think they deserve death. I fact, I married one of them.

I don't hate races

31/07/2014 13:02
so for bitches like you i say. live and suffer to see jews secced and a strong isaerli jewish country.

31/07/2014 13:03
I thought we were friends....

31/07/2014 13:03
yes you are. a racist hippie. never seen like this before

not anymore i guess...

anyway i wont wish you not good and not bad. i think you are already blessed enough

31/07/2014 13:04
I am think you should relax from all that nationalism and hate and see beyond

31/07/2014 13:05
its firected to you because you so like it. now got the fuck of man im done with you. tought you were better person. by

31/07/2014 13:06
Sad to hear

Long live the empty slogan hippie gang!

31/07/2014 13:06
dont think your sad. you r racist. hate jews... fock of

31/07/2014 13:06
Be happy






31/07/2014 13:08
i will try to. so as you. and yes you do. dont worry you r in a big big company.

lots of you all over the world. because of that there is israel. so we wont live with prics like u

31/07/2014 13:10
What?? Could you stop defining me and my thoughts, at least when I'm speaking with you

31/07/2014 13:10
and now whrn we have our country all you racist just talking shit about us from far. when we lived among u so u killed and throw us away

31/07/2014 13:11
You're going a bit off. I killed your ppl??

31/07/2014 13:12
im not nationalist but when infronting people like you i realy understand the meaning and importance of this ciuntry i live in. so a least something good came out of it

racist like you. you r a hippie racist. wait for you to se violent racist.. its a different story. again open wikipedia or something.

so again go fuck yourself. stay racist. sty antisemitic and stay safe.

31/07/2014 14:18
I run out of battery, I'm quite busy moving around...

31/07/2014 14:25
and i think we're done here.. goodbye

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